Mini Tutorial: Easy WordPress Install

I had the MOST DIFFICULT time installing WordPress – and I don’t think I’m that much of a dummy! Yeah, well, I finally got it completely installed in 3 or 4 days (that’s crazy)! Let’s just say I learned a lot. Now that I’ve got the basics down, hopefully, you will find this mini tutorial helpful.

Here Are The Easy WordPress Install Steps

  1. I recommend using BlueHost for your hosting provider. Create your account and grab that domain name.
  2. Go and download this FTP – for free.
  3. Now download WordPress. After that sign into BlueHost and go to My SQL Databases in the cpanel and create a database for WordPress.
  4. After you create the database go into the WordPress folder and find the wp-config-sample.php file and rename it to wp-config.php and then change the ‘DB_NAME’, ‘DB_USER’, and the ‘DB_PASSWORD’ in the wp-config.php file. See example here.
  5. Finally install WordPress into your root directory (recommended). Do the following within your FTP – go to and highlight /public_html then upload WordPress to this directory.
  6. Go to (of course replace with your domain name) and you should now get a screen that says Welcome to WordPress (or something like that). If you have trouble go to the famous 5-minute install page.

Now it’s time to pick out a WordPress theme. There are TONS of choices. You can pay for a customized theme or you can go the free route. All you have to do is download the theme to your desktop and upload (through FTP) the theme into this location – public_html, wp-content, themes. Go to WordPress Admin under Presentation and click on the theme you just uploaded.

Here are some recommended themes to choose from:

Brian Gardner – Clean and well designed.

Chris Pearson – Nice layouts with SEO in mind.

Courtney Tuttle – More great themes with SEO in mind.

Okay, so there you have it. I hope you have WordPress up and running a lot quicker than I did!!